Highlights: August 2020
So it’s that time again, the months are flying by. I’m now back working, so it’s been interesting getting used to that balance again. I have been out to capture photos in a few locations. I certainly have allowed a little more space to rest though and I’ve also done some freelance photography with a local company.
Finch Field
Over the last few weeks I’ve been on our new family allotment plot. It’s a collaboration between the Finch’s and the Fielder’s. We’ve set up a Instagram Page here to show our journey as we embark on building up our allotment plot and home gardens in the centre of Ipswich, Suffolk. We took over the plot late in August to grow more fruit and vegetables. We will be trying to use as much produce in our cooking and will show what we have made throughout the process. We are all passionate about growing and using our own produce in our cooking. Come along and join us as we cultivate, grow and cook the produce!
It’s certainly good to go out and capture photos in locations I’ve been to before and others that I’ve not been to for a while. I have a few planned that I’ve never ventured into. Do follow us here @finchfieldallotment
Shepherd – Rendlesham Forest
Effluvium, Woodbridge
I had planned to go out on the saturday. I’d woken up early enough to leave to capture the sunrise. I decided not to go. The conditions weren’t ideal. Although the forecasts had predicted better cloud coverage. So I went out on the on the Sunday, again the conditions weren’t the best. I still went for it, there were a list of different places I wanted to go to, but I chose Woodbridge.I got there with plenty of time, the sky wasn’t great so I headed towards the tide mill and captured a few images around there then headed back up the river towards the boatyard.
The sun slowly started to peak through, eventually it came to this, a hazy summers sunrise, there was a misty feel to the way the light hit across the water and onto the boats and the buildings in the distance. Certainly was worth going out, not quite what I expected to captured but definitely got the chance to get out with the camera.
Violet, Westleston Heath
It was good to get back out to explore Westleton Heath. I have been there once before. It was good to go back again with the heather in nearly full bloom. It’s certainly somewhere I’m going to visit again the coming weeks. It’s so impressive to see the sea of heather in person. As far as the eye can see, the rolls of the hills and surrounding the lone silver birch trees. This shot is likely to be in my new calendar. It’s the last shot to be added in there. They will soon be available to preorder.
Light-up, Felixstowe
It’s not everyday the sky changes from a dull cloud filled mass, to a sky that has so much potential. I was so impressed by the way the sky lit up after what was looking like quite a boring sunrise. This is the opposite direction to the shot I took the other day. And it was great to see it happen again, as the sky lit up the shoot became worth it. The glow it created on the groynes, and on the scene behind me gave me opportunity to see the light rays bursting through the clouds. Sometimes it can be worth it, when all seems like it won’t happen. The moment will come and change everything.
Do check out last month’s highlights –
Highlight: July 2020
Highlights: June 2020
Highlights: May 2020
Highlights: April 2020
Highlights: March 2020
I hope you’ve enjoyed it, Let me know what you think.
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© 2020 Matt Finch. All rights reserved.
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