Highlights: August 2022
Just like that, it’s September. Where does the time go? There are a few things I would consider as highlights over August.
The heat has been a big factor in what I have chosen to do. But it has also been noticed that some places have been affected by it. With the heat, comes slight devastation to the heather on our heathlands. It’s far from at its best this year, but that hasn’t stopped me from going out and capturing it. Those moments should still be captured, although they might not be as pretty.
I also took the chance to explore Orford at sunrise and a walk at Woodbridge before work at the start of the month.
Walking Woodbridge
Again I took a walk around Woodbridge waterfront before I went into the office. It’s a composition I have taken before. But this time on the foreshore there were some extra orange kayaks. I thought that I would capture it as a moment. It’s likely this will become a regular shot, as this place changes with the seasons and the conditions.

A trip to a heathland
Last year, I had a great opportunity to go and capture the heather. It’s not far from home. So I took the chance again in early august to explore the area. As I drove up the area was engulfed in pretty thick fog. Covering over the top of the low land up to the mid-tree line.
I spent my time, walking through to a point where I know you can capture the sun rising over the heather. Which I found to be a pretty poor showing. Although it didn’t stop me from capturing the views from a few parts of the path.

Taking the chance to walk up the path and back again. By the time the sun was to rise above the tree line. I watched as it started to break the mist and fog. It cast these rays that covered the path in front of me. I set up quickly and took the shot below.

Although I regularly visit for work, Orford is always a place I fail to go for landscape photography. Looking back on my exhibition in July at Origins. I found I had a limited selection of images from Orford. So my plan is to make sure I get out and capture the area as it’s a place I love to visit.
So I have been back again. I took the chance to work my way along the quay towards the old boats’ wrecks left to decay on the shore. The sky was pretty heavy, with fairly thick high clouds. It lent itself really to a long exposure: so that was my focus to capture the movement of the sky over the wreck.

I then took myself to the quay, to capture the view downriver towards Aldeburgh. By chance, the clouds were breaking, and the light rays were punching through the high clouds.

Within around 20 minutes the light had changed, the foreshore was clear of the higher cloud and the light had broken through. It was pretty dull, just enough to capture the boat with the clouds closer to the horizon line. I took the chance to capture the most prominent boat on the shore. A smaller more colourful boat.

Highlighting the loss of heather
I took another trip to the same heathland. It really did show how the extended hot weather had affected the heather. It’s a hard thing to see, as a comparison to the same place last year, the heather in full bloom is The heathland I visited is only 35 mins away from. So it’s a local patch really.
It was a misty morning again. And there were still opportunities to capture the landscape. Although the heather and brush colours were pretty darkened by its poor showing, the views you can see across the space are great.

Moments Calendar 2023
My calendars are available to pre-order on the link below. This year’s theme is moments that would have been left behind if I had stayed in bed, or chosen to take another path while out walking. Please go ahead and order one.
This year, I’m pledging to purchase two trees per calendar sold. I’m conscious of my impact on the environment and feel I need to give back to the world. I’m likely to extend this into my print sales and other printed images in the future.
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